
RUN Foundation | Relieving Vulnerable Communities From Pain Since 2004

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Support RUN Foundation

We are calling on you to help us expand our impact through our critical initiatives

Community Outreaches

Our Evangelistic Medical Community Outreaches bring essential healthcare services directly to the communities that need them most. These outreaches are not just about treating illnesses but also about spreading hope and compassion.

Community Children's Clinic

The Community Children's Clinic is a lifeline for vulnerable children suffering from severe dental issues, particularly those living with HIV. Dental health is often overlooked, yet it is crucial for the overall well-being of these children.

Galilee Health Institute

The Galilee Health Institute aims to bridge the gap in healthcare access by training the next generation of medical professionals. We offer courses in dental skills and other medical disciplines, equipping students with the knowledge...

Urgent Cause

#Building Galilee Health Institute

The Galilee Health Institute aims to bridge the gap in healthcare access by training the next generation of medical professionals. We offer courses in dental skills and other medical disciplines, equipping students with the knowledge and practical experience they need to serve their communities effectively.


Want to Become a Volunteer

RUN Foundation offers a unique opportunity for individuals to make a tangible impact through our Short-Term Mission programs. These missions, designed to bring together students, practitioners, and passionate individuals, are a powerful force for change, addressing immediate healthcare needs and fostering cross-cultural understanding.


What Volunteers and Partners Say!

Dr. Brian has skillfully utilized his expertise not only as a dentist but also as a compassionate ambassador of faith. Through his work, he and his team have brought both medical healing and the message of Christ's love to vulnerable communities, making a profound impact on those in need.

Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca N.
Provost of All Saints Cathedral

My visit to Uganda revealed the significant dental challenges faced by many in the region. Collaborating with Dr. Brian Rushaju has demonstrated his deep commitment to serving the underprivileged, showing them the love of Jesus through action. Together, we have trained local Christians in dental care and provided crucial treatment to those who otherwise could not afford it.

Dr. Bill Griffin
Dental Director of ICMDA, USA

As a specialist in preventative dental care, working with RUN Foundation has provided me with the invaluable opportunity to deliver essential dental services to those in Uganda who urgently need them. This experience has been both rewarding and eye-opening.

Liz Soya
Dental Hygienist, USA

Our Gallery

Each photo in our gallery reflects the collective effort and dedication that drives our mission forward. We invite you to explore these moments and see the positive change we are creating together.

Our Partners

We are grateful for the contributions of our partners, whose dedication and resources enable us to deliver quality healthcare services to underserved communities in Uganda.

Join us as we relieve Vulnerable Communities From Oral Pain..

All Support from the UK goes through Westcan Churches (Missia Account: Sat Code: 30-91-20 | Account Number: 00459647 | Westfield URC Ref: RUN DENTAL) | Westcan Church